As the month of March draws near, we're gearing up for DC Council budget oversight hearings. Do you want assistance with drafting your original written testimony, signing on to the DC Guaranteed Income Coalition representatives' testimony, or preparing to testify before the Council for this year's oversight budget hearings? Join us on March 21st, between 5:00 PM and 7: 00 PM for our DC Guaranteed Income Coalition training for the Budget Oversight Hearing.
Our platform seeks to advance economic security for marginalized DC residents and workers. To help you build your testimony, we'll discuss the following combination of DC agencies, legislation and policies as they relate to the DC Guaranteed Income Coalition priorities:
DC Child & Family Services Agency
DC Housing Authority
DC Department of Human Services
The District Child Tax Credit legislation
The Omnibus Crime bill and criminal legal system issues; and
The involvement of health equity in all policies
Join us on March 21, at 5 pm to learn more. We look forward to seeing you there!