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Cash Bail 101
It is quite easy to be apprehended, despite what most people may believe. This is because police do not have to be “convinced” that you are guilty. If there is sufficient evidence for the police, regardless of the situation, you can be arrested and convicted…

Police Reforms: What went wrong? Part 3
The logic often applied to Body Worn Cameras when people call for this reform is that the threat of having misconduct recorded will prevent police from carrying out said misconduct. Unfortunately, this has not been the case…

Police Reforms: What went wrong? Part 2
Following the murder of George Floyd and the mass protests that he inspired, DC passed the Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Emergency Amendment Act of 2020. The act includes the following provisions…

Police Reforms: What went wrong? Part 1
For years now, police reform has been a mainstay in public discourse... In the almost 10 years since the inception of BLM, what reforms have been happening here in DC? And have those reforms been effective in reducing, if not ending, police brutality?…

Stop Police Terror DC And Black Lives Matter DC Condemn The Murder Of Deon Kay
The same false, racist narrative that stole Deon’s boyhood and turned him into a full grown man out for blood is the same narrative we have seen from Mayor Bowser and MPD over and over again…