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What’s going on at Ridgecrest?
Conversation about the Residents of Ridgecrest's housing struggle from WPFW and Empower DC’s Taking Action on Tuesday, September 26th, 2023 at 1:30pm.
Follow along with Grassroots DC’s reporting to see what happens next with the resident’s of Ridgecrest Community Campagin.
Join us on the lawn at 4000 E St. SE Washington, DC 20019 on Saturday September 30th at 11am for the launch of the Ridgecrest Community Campagin to take back control of the condominiums!

Brookland manor news round up
Residents and local organizers are concerned that this project will displace many working class and low-income families, specifically larger ones.

DC Evictions: Fact vs Fiction

Are Shelters an Option for the UnHoused During a Pandemic? Is There a Better Way?
In the District of Columbia, there are people who have gone far too unnoticed in their community. They are some of the most brilliant and creative souls in the region. They are masters of innovation with the ability to weather extraordinary situations. These are the unhoused, or homeless, as people want to call them…

Coronavirus is Devastating the Homeless Community: DC Must Pivot Quickly to Save Lives
Perhaps no moment more critically highlights the crucial importance of and need for housing and safe spaces than the current public health emergency. COVID-19 has ravaged the most vulnerable communities across this nation…

Supporting COVID-19 Mutual Aid Efforts
As the spread of the coronavirus has accelerated over the past week, we are reminded yet again of one key truth: The state will not keep us safe—but we can keep each other safe…

A Timeline of Events Leading Up to The “Revitalization” of Barry Farm
With the deconstruction and rebuilding of Barry Farm (most commonly referenced as Barry Farms to residents and longtime D.C citizens) under way, it is important to understand some of the key factors of this process, what led up to it and how it has been affecting the existing community. Here is a somewhat concise timeline of events to provide context and stay updated on the fast-changing neighborhood.

Understanding How Public Housing Is Funded… It’s Harder Than You’d Think
Understanding How Public Housing Is Funded… It’s Harder Than You’d Think
Without the protection of dedicated public housing, the affordable housing market begins to dwindle, forcing low-income residents in the area to relocate elsewhere.

Tips to the Homeless for Winter Survival
Homeless advocate Brian Anders wrote these tips for winter survival in 2013 before succumbing to colon cancer. Thanks for the tips. We miss you terribly.

Five Reasons You Should Join Your Tenant Association
Five Reasons You Should Join Your Tenant Association
Tenant Associations are important community groups where residents of a property come together to address all kinds of issues relevant to the place they live. If united and strong, these groups can be instrumental in shaping the living environment of all residents. Here are five important reasons you should join or form tenant association where you live.