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A Timeline of Events Leading Up to The “Revitalization” of Barry Farm
With the deconstruction and rebuilding of Barry Farm (most commonly referenced as Barry Farms to residents and longtime D.C citizens) under way, it is important to understand some of the key factors of this process, what led up to it and how it has been affecting the existing community. Here is a somewhat concise timeline of events to provide context and stay updated on the fast-changing neighborhood.

Understanding How Public Housing Is Funded… It’s Harder Than You’d Think
Understanding How Public Housing Is Funded… It’s Harder Than You’d Think
Without the protection of dedicated public housing, the affordable housing market begins to dwindle, forcing low-income residents in the area to relocate elsewhere.

One Student’s Take On What Really Matters In DC Public Schools
I asked DC Public School graduate Quintess Bond why she thought DCPS test scores were so low? She presents her thesis in the form of this documentary. In it, Quintess explores the theory that good schools need active parents, engaged students and a dedicated faculty and administrative staff. I think she puts a bit too much emphasis on the role of the parents but that can be forgiven. After suffering a stroke and losing her job, Quintess’ mother struggled mightily just to keep her daughter clothed, housed and fed. In addition, she insisted that Quintess stay on top of her school work. As a result, Quintess graduated salutatorian from School Without Walls in 2012. School Without Walls is one of the highest performing high schools in the DC public school system.

Tips to the Homeless for Winter Survival
Homeless advocate Brian Anders wrote these tips for winter survival in 2013 before succumbing to colon cancer. Thanks for the tips. We miss you terribly.

Five Reasons You Should Join Your Tenant Association
Five Reasons You Should Join Your Tenant Association
Tenant Associations are important community groups where residents of a property come together to address all kinds of issues relevant to the place they live. If united and strong, these groups can be instrumental in shaping the living environment of all residents. Here are five important reasons you should join or form tenant association where you live.

A Lesson in Systemic Racism, Part II: ALEC, School Closures, and the School-to-Prison Pipeline
The previous post, entitled “A Lesson in Systematic Racism: Stand Your Ground, the NRA, and the American Legislative Council (ALEC),” examined the connection between the untimely death of Trayvon Martin and the powerful lobbying groups that made laws like “Stand Your Ground” possible. This post expands on the previous one by highlighting ALEC’s connection to school closures and the privatization of education.

Events Leading Up To DC Public School Closings Lawsuit
Although the injunction that would have stopped the closing of 15 DC Public Schools was denied and we’re still waiting to find out the date for the hearing that will decide the actual merits of the case, it might make sense to remind ourselves of the events that led to the lawsuit in the first place.
In my experience, the seeds for the lawsuit were sown in the first week of January, 2007, when the newly elected Council chair (Vincent Gray) dissolved the Committee on Education and the newly elected mayor (Adrian Fenty) announced his intention to take over the schools.
There was strong opposition to that idea expressed in testimony at the hearings and through protests and demonstrations. There was a call for the matter to be decided by the people in a referendum since a mayoral takeover required a change to the Home Rule Charter that would decrease the people’s power in determining their own affairs for themselves.

Stop DC Public School Closures
For those of us who follow the debate over school reform/school closings in the District of Columbia, the story of River Terrace Elementary School is not unfamiliar. In December of 2010, Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson proposed that the school be closed due to under-enrollment. In January, a meeting was held at River Terrace Elementary to discuss the concerns of the community. Residents were angry about the decision to close the school and the lack of input from the community during the decision-making process. As you can see from the video below, many legitimate questions were raised; none of them have been answered.
River Terrace Elementary School is just one of the many Washington, DC public schools closed or threatened with closure since the reign of Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee. Despite overwhelming community support, River Terrace was shut down. But the tide is turning. Although Rhee and her policies were in favor during the Administration of Mayor Adrian Fenty, the lack of improvement in test scores and the disruption to communities is causing many to think twice about reforming schools by closing them down.